I vividly remember one of the first tasks my engineering manager handed to me: figure out how to automate rotating the
for an App Registration in Entra ID (the product formerly known as Azure AD).
It sounded straightforward in theory – “just rotate the secret” – but I soon realized it was “turtles all the way down”: each automation script or tool you introduce to rotate a secret requires another secret to authenticate itself, and that secret, in turn, needs protection and rotating. It quickly becomes an intractable chain of credentials managing other credentials, and the security trade-offs pile up fast.
Turtles all the way down, courtesy of ChatGPT
Eventually several years later, I read Solving the Bottom Turtle: A SPIFFE Way to Establish Trust in Your Infrastructure via Universal Identity, and I realized “Aha, someone finally cracked this problem,” and its solution is one that has the promise to really help achieve a zero-trust posture inside of environments that are hosting a collaborating set of services (typically, for one or more products, but potentially for other scenarios as well, even CI/CD).
For those that don’t know, zero-trust admittedly, can be an overloaded term, and something that can mean different things to different people, and does mean different things in different contexts (say, for end users on a device versus a set of services talking to each other); and depending on who you ask, whether they are more network-oriented or identity-oriented, they may view controls for zero-trust through different lenses.
With that said, zero-trust at its core is a security model that assumes no implicit trust in network boundaries, and instead focuses on verifying every request – by users, systems, or services. With the rise of cloud computing and microservices, zero-trust principles (such as short-lived certificates and environment-based trust) have become increasingly critical for reducing the blast radius of breaches and eliminating the risk of long-lived secrets.
Before jumping into the magical solutions that SPIFFE and its implementation SPIRE provide on this front, let’s first talk about the actual problems and logistics involved with a secret string that a person is entrusted with handling and putting into service in an environment.
I need to apologize because the following descriptions are deliberately going to be painful and will describe the web browser and clicks and clipboards involved in getting a secret from some type of web page into a place where it can be used…
The (Painful) Lifecycle of a Secret
1. Acquiring a Secret
Let’s say you need a client_secret
for your app registration in Microsoft Entra ID. You navigate to the Azure Portal,
sign in (hopefully with MFA, device compliance, and all the best practices enforced through conditional access!), and
then generate a random secret with a chosen validity period. Sure, it’s not technically difficult. But you’ve already
introduced a significant risk: you’re personally handling the secret, and your clipboard or local files might become a
point of leakage.
2. Keeping a Secret
Next, you have to store that secret somewhere. If you copy and paste it, you might momentarily stash it in a text file or keep it in your clipboard, hoping your machine is secure enough (EDR, compliance, device encryption, etc.). The bigger your team or the more frequent the rotations, the higher the odds that someone, somewhere, will accidentally commit it to a Git repo or leak it in logs. We rely on our best judgment, but we’re all human—and secrets all too easily slip out.
3. Putting a Secret into Service
Now you must inject that secret into an app or service. Do you store it in a password manager or a secrets vault? Do you put it in your CI/CD pipeline in an encrypted variable? Or do you manually configure it into each environment? Each approach is a trade-off – how many copies of the secret are you comfortable with existing at once, and how often do you rotate them to reduce risk? At large scale, all of these these philosophically different approaches can become a real source of friction, especially when hundreds of services each need secret management.
4. Rotating an In-Service Secret Manually
If you need to rotate that secret after a certain period of time (or before whenever it expires), you basically repeat the entire “acquire → store → deploy” process. Any misstep during manual rotation risks production outages or breakage in downstream services that depend on the secret. This is the primary reason people start asking: “How can we automate this?”
5. Rotating an In-Service Secret Automatically
Here’s where the “turtles all the way down” problem really hits. Automation usually requires another identity (and thus another credential) with the power to generate new secrets or push them into your environment. That means you end up managing a higher-level credential to manage your lower-level credentials. In many enterprises, you might have multiple credentials, each controlling a slice of the rotation story (for example, the secret itself, and perhaps another secret to authenticate to the environment where you need to push it into) – with each secret potentially living in a different vault or secrets manager. It’s complexity layered on complexity.
Bottom line: The second you add automation for secrets rotation, you typically introduce a chain of new secrets that must themselves be protected and rotated. It’s easy to see how this grows out of control.
This is Madness
It’s turtles all the way down…
There really isn’t a great answer to this layering of secrets that own/manage other secrets, and while there are methods to do credential-less authentication on the cloud providers, the logistics involved in extending that across clouds or even to data centers can be quite intricate, and it forces you to “pick a horse” from one of the cloud providers – would you standardize on Azure Arc to extend managed identities to other places like GCP, AWS and the data center?
No matter what, there will always be some type of secret to handle in our environment, but the question is two-fold: how do you go about making access to those secrets seamless so that they can be easily rotated, but also, how can you go about eliminating certain types of secrets for scenarios like service-to-service authentication?
Introducing SPIFFE
If the endless layers of secrets-owning-other-secrets make your head spin, you’re not alone. These are extremely common challenges in modern, distributed systems at scale. Even with the best practices for encrypting, storing, and rotating secrets, mistakes happen. Credentials can leak, get misused, or simply become unwieldy in large-scale environments.
That’s where SPIFFE (Secure Production Identity Framework For Everyone) comes in.
Many organizations use secret managers (e.g., HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault) to store and rotate credentials. SPIFFE tackles a complementary problem: it removes certain secrets altogether by issuing ephemeral certificates. In some cases, you’ll still have secrets for legacy apps, but now you can centralize or reduce them over time as more services adopt SPIFFE-based identities.
SPIFFE is an open standard for secure service identity, meant to free us from many of the pitfalls of distributing and rotating secrets manually. The SPIFFE standard defines:
- How to identify workloads (anything running in your environment, across cloud providers or data centers, from a container to a VM, or – with some elbow grease – even potentially serverless functions).
- How to issue and validate these identities in a cryptographically verifiable way without needing to inject long-lived secret strings.
The concept originated from folks at Netflix, Meta, and other high-scale tech companies who learned firsthand that manually distributing secrets doesn’t scale or remain secure in a dynamic microservices world. They took inspiration from their various homegrown solutions to this problem and distilled it up into a standard that is generalized and open that technologists at other companies could adopt.
Instead of trusting humans and portals to move secrets around, SPIFFE relies on:
- Attestation: Checking that a workload is truly running on the environment it claims (e.g., verifying AWS instance metadata, Kubernetes service account tokens, or node properties).
- Automated Credential Issuance: Generating a short-lived identity document (an SVID, which can be a certificate or a JWT) that the workload uses for mutual TLS (mTLS) or other secure communication.
For the uninitiated, here’s a quick terminology guide:
- PKI (Public Key Infrastructure): A system for creating, managing, distributing, and revoking digital certificates and keys.
- mTLS (Mutual TLS): A variation of TLS (commonly known for HTTPS) that requires both client and server to verify each other’s identity.
- Attestation: The process of verifying that a workload is what it claims to be (for example, by checking the cryptographic signature of a cloud provider’s instance metadata).
- SVID (SPIFFE Verifiable Identity Document): A short-lived certificate (or token) containing a SPIFFE ID that proves the identity of a workload.
What the Heck is an SVID?
An SVID is just a short-lived X.509 certificate with a SPIFFE ID inside one if its fields – like
– that can be used to establish mutual TLS (mTLS) between workloads. Once its
lifetime expires (often minutes or hours), the workload automatically fetches a fresh SVID from SPIRE.
While certificate-based SVIDs have more advantages, there are also mechanisms to issue JWT-based SVIDs for scenarios where certificates are not a good fit. One of the notable downsides to JWT SVIDs is that they cannot be used to establish the client side of mTLS, effectively making mTLS a non-starter. This is why JWT SVIDs are a bit of a bummer on the zero-trust front, since mTLS is a powerful mechanism to secure client-server communications (or the “channel” as my colleague likes to call it).
Whether it is a certificate or JWT SVID, you can think of an SVID as an automatically issued “temporary ID badge” that expires quickly – like wearing a visitor’s badge in an office that stops working after a few hours. This means if someone steals that badge (certificate), it’s only valid briefly, preventing long-term damage. And because SPIRE automatically renews SVIDs under the hood, engineers don’t have to schedule or script rotations.
So, What Does SPIRE Do?
SPIRE (the SPIFFE Runtime Environment) is an open-source implementation of the SPIFFE standards. It handles the bootstrapping and management of workload identities according to SPIFFE specifications. It is composed of:
- SPIRE Server: The “brain” that signs and issues SVIDs.
- SPIRE Agents: Lightweight daemons running alongside your workloads (on VMs, Kubernetes nodes, etc.) that attest the workloads and fetch SVIDs from the SPIRE server.
Under the hood, SPIRE can:
- Attest that a workload is what it claims to be (via node or workload attestation plugins) based on platform-specific signals (e.g., AWS instance metadata, Kubernetes service account tokens, etc.).
- Issue short-lived certificates (called SVIDs, or SPIFFE Verifiable Identity Documents) that the workload uses to authenticate itself to other workloads, without passing around a static key or password.
- Rotate certificates automatically so that secrets are ephemeral, drastically reducing the risk of stolen credentials being used for too long.
Attestation essentially means, “Prove you’re really running where you say you’re running.” For example, on AWS, SPIRE can verify a workload by checking the digitally signed metadata document from AWS that confirms your EC2 virtual machine is indeed in a valid AWS environment. Similarly it can key off of other metadata in Kubernetes-based environments to attest identity; and as mentioned above, with some additional effort, it can even be done in serverless scenarios. This check is automated and short-lived, meaning we trust the environment itself to confirm identity rather than a human copying secrets around, and we re-attest this at desired enough frequencies to ensure that the attestations are “fresh,” as are the issued SVIDs that follow.
The upshot of all this is that instead of injecting a user-managed secret, each workload receives a cryptographically verifiable identity tied directly to the environment it runs in. It’s effectively removing the manual secret from the equation and replacing it with an automatic, environment-based trust anchor.
Imagine you deploy a microservice in Kubernetes. When it starts, the SPIRE agent inside that node verifies the pod’s
identity (using something like the Kubernetes Service Account token or pod labels). The agent says: “Yes, this is the
real Service A
pod in the production
namespace,” and it issues a short-lived SVID certificate with the SPIFFE ID
. Now Service A
can make an mTLS connection to Service B
. Service B
sees the
identity in the certificate and decides whether to trust it based on policies
you’ve set. No manual secrets required.
Let’s walk through that step-by-step with a concrete example:
- Deploy: You push your container image to your Kubernetes cluster. (This could happen many different ways, but for sake of illustration, let’s say it’s a typical Kubernetes Deployment.)
- Attestation: The SPIRE agent on that node checks a pod’s Kubernetes labels, service account token, or node identity to confirm your service really is “Service A.”*
- SVID Issuance: The SPIRE agent requests a short-lived certificate from the SPIRE Server on your service’s behalf. This SVID in effect is your “workload identity.”
- mTLS: “Service A” initiates a mutually authenticated TLS connection to “Service B,” presenting the SVID as proof of identity. “Service B” verifies the certificate is valid and from a trusted SPIFFE domain.
- Automatic Renewal: If the certificate expires in an hour, SPIRE renews it seamlessly, so there’s no downtime or manual rotation.
*Note that attestation in Kubernetes is highly flexible and can work off of multiple types of metadata and signals around the pod to prove identity; in other words, there options available to the implementers to decide precisely how they wish to identify the workload in Kubernetes.
Understanding this architecture without a visual can admittedly be a challenge, and while I could insert a visual here, I think it is better to point to the official SPIFFE website where they have great visuals to illustrate this.
This process above is how the process works for workload attestation, but at this point you may be asking: “How does the SPIRE server trust the SPIRE agent in the first place?” This happens prior to workload attestation, through a process called “node attestation,” and we’ll cover how this works in a couple of common scenarios, on EC2 and on Kubernetes.
SPIRE Agent Node Attestation on EC2
When you run a SPIRE agent on an EC2 instance, it uses AWS-specific signals to verify that the instance is real and belongs to your AWS account. Typically, SPIRE reads a digitally signed instance identity document from the EC2 metadata service – along with temporary AWS credentials or a signature unique to that instance – to prove to the SPIRE Server that “Yes, this agent really is running on an authentic EC2 instance in our AWS account.” Once verified, the agent is allowed to issue valid SVIDs to workloads on that host.
SPIRE Agent Node Attestation on Kubernetes
In a Kubernetes environment, the SPIRE agent checks one or more Kubernetes tokens or node properties to ensure it’s running on a trusted node within a legitimate cluster. For example, the agent might validate the node’s API server certificate or use the Kubernetes service account token assigned to the SPIRE agent’s pod. This cryptographic token tells the SPIRE Server, “I’m a recognized Kubernetes node within this cluster,” and once that’s confirmed, the agent can issue SVIDs to the containers for the pods on that node.
Anchor Trust (and Authentication) in the Environment
With SPIFFE/SPIRE, the trust anchors become part of your runtime environment – like your Kubernetes cluster or cloud environment’s unique attestation data (for instance in the case of EC2 on AWS, leveraging the cryptographically signed EC2 metadata document from AWS) – and these anchors are used to generate ephemeral certificates for each workload. This model shifts responsibility from:
- Humans carefully copying strings back and forth across portals,
- Long-lived service principals whose secrets have to be manually rotated (and worse, that expire and potentially cause outages),
- Complex toolchains or third-party password vaults for everything,
… to an automatic identity issuance that authenticates workloads based on where and how they run. Your environment,
plus SPIRE, effectively says: “Yes, this is the real Service A
on the real cluster us-east-1-prod
,” and it hands out
a short-lived credential that Service A
can use to prove its identity to Service B
Authorization Still Comes from You
Once you have cryptographically provable identities for your workloads, you can layer on your own policies:
- Which workloads can talk to each other?
- Which cross-environment calls are allowed?
- What exactly does “production” mean in terms of trust?
Humans still need to define the rules and specify exactly which services are authorized to each other, and that may involve your own logic in your services to determine authorization (which is slightly outside the scope of SPIFFE/SPIRE, and it will vary based on your scenario, but there are well-known projects like Open Policy Agent to take a look at for sophisticated approaches to authorization); however, the underlying credentials and authentication are handled automatically, so you’re not messing around with manual secrets or multi-step rotations.
SPIFFE is Spiffy
Puns aside, the real benefit of SPIFFE is that you now have a single, standardized way to express service identity across practically any environment – on-premises, multi-cloud, container-based, VM-based, or otherwise. It’s a great unifier that can drastically simplify (and de-risk) a lot of the “madness” of distributing secrets.
SPIRE is Fire 🔥
As the reference implementation, SPIRE does the heavy lifting of making SPIFFE a reality:
- It boots up agents (node agents) that run on each machine/VM/node.
- Those agents validate workloads (workload attestation).
- They issue SVIDs with short lifetimes so that every service request or mTLS handshake uses a a very fresh, automatically rotated credential.
In short, SPIRE weaves a dynamic web of trust across your environment.
But Pragmatism Must Also Prevail
While SPIFFE and SPIRE can solve for service-to-service authentication, we can’t escape the fact that we still need to handle some types of secrets, potentially for certain types of database logins, or external APIs (perhaps for tracing) that haven’t yet adopted modern identity frameworks, or older systems that simply can’t talk SPIFFE.
However, with SPIFFE in the mix, there exists the potential to push those authentication concerns more towards the edge of the operating environment, like via potentially wrapping certain legacy API’s and services with SPIFFE-aware proxies to reduce the footprint of secrets scattered throughout the environment.
SPIFFE/SPIRE doesn’t magically eradicate every type of shared secret from your environment. However, it makes a big dent in the ongoing operational burden and risk by taking a huge chunk of service credentials off your plate.
Push the Envelope
Despite these caveats, there is greater potential for true identity-based security, rather than purely secret-based security. Think of all the trouble we endure just ensuring a secret is kept safe and rotated frequently. By moving to ephemeral, environment-attested, cryptographically sound identities:
- We drastically reduce human error and accidental exposures.
- We limit the blast radius when something does get compromised.
- We make secrets rotation effectively invisible to the engineers and automated behind the scenes.
For many organizations, adopting SPIFFE/SPIRE is a step function leap forward towards zero-trust architecture in the operating environment of large scale sets of services. It may not be a universal fix for all credential types, but it can lessen the burden of how to manage the existing credentials that you do have, and is a powerful standard and toolset for modern infrastructure teams looking to level up their security posture for service-to-service authentication.